EE 607 Spring 2006 Final Project

Last Updated:   April 30, 2006

Pick a distinct topic to give a written report on as well as an oral presentation.  The topic will focus on topic from a paper (or papers) from the Sigcomm 2005 conference (papers can be found here) and the IEEE 2005 Infocom Conference (You can search for IEEE papers by going to the UH Library web site.  There's an IEEE web site for its papers called Xplorer).  You may choose any paper or even propose a paper (and topic) from outside the conference.  For example, if you are currently doing research with a faculty advisor then you may choose a topic on your research (however, please get my approval).  You can focus your report on the results of a single paper but, you should read at least three research papers.  Note that some of the papers can be papers referenced in the Sigcomm papers but published in other sources such as the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, Proceedings of the Sigcomm Conference in earlier years, and the Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference. 

Written Report:
Turn in a written report that is due Wed, during finals week at 4pm.  It will be between 12-15 pages in length including figures.  Your report should have the following items though you could organize it differently.
The report should be formatted as follows: Oral Presentation
You will give an oral presentation during the week before finals.  Each presentation will be 24 minutes.  You should have powerpoint slides. We will schedule a final time and date later but likely dates are the thursday or friday before finals.  More details about the format of the presentation will be given later.

May 5, Friday
EE Conference Room, Holmes Hall 484
Mark Menor
Qin Zhou
Ye Wang
Xiaojiang Liu
Patrick Perry
Ashish Shukla

May 11, Thursday
EE Conference Room, Holmes Hall 484
Mike Cooney
Craig Oyama
Ciril Rozic
Chi Fong Kuan