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Software Configuration Management Plan Template

Outline Description
1. Introduction
    1.1 Purpose
    1.2 Scope
    1.3 Key terms
    1.4 References
The Introduction describes the scope and audience of the document, key terms, and references.
2. Management
    2.1 Organization
    2.2 Responsibilities
The Management section describes the organization of the project (which can be a reference to the corresponding section in the Software Project Management Plan; see Chapter 14, Project Management) and how the configuration management responsibilities are assigned within this organization.
3. Activities The Activities section describes in detail the identification of configuration items, the change control process, the process for creating releases and for auditing, and the process for status accounting. Responsibilities for each of these activities are assigned to a role defined in the management section.
4. Schedule The Schedule denotes when configuration management activities take place and how they are coordinated. In particular, it defines at which point changes can be requested and approved through the formal change process.
5. Resources The Resources section identifies the tools, techniques, equipment, personnel, and training necessary for accomplishing the configuration activities.
6. Plan Maintenance Finally, Plan Maintenance defines how the SCMP, itself under configuration management, is maintained and revised. In particular, this section details the person responsible for its maintenance, the frequency of updates, and the change process for updating the plan.

Revision r1.2 - 30 Sep 2003 - 14:23 GMT - Copyright © 2003, Prentice Hall.