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1.4 Summary

In this Chapter we have given a brief overview of modern computing systems, including both the hardware and software. We had described how information is represented in these machines, both data and programs. We have discussed the development of algorithms as the first, and probably most important step in writing a program. As we shall see, programming is a design process; an algorithm is written, coded, and tested followed by iteration. Programs are not written in one step -- initial versions are developed and then refined and improved.

One brief note about the organization of chapters in the text. In this chapter (following the References) are two sections labeled Exercises and Problems. These are very important sections in learning to program, because the only way to learn and improve programming skills is to program. The exercises are designed to be done with pencil-and-paper. They test the key concepts and language constructs presented in the chapter. The problems are generally meant to be computer exercises. They present problems for which programs should be written. By writing these programs you will increase your experience in the methods and thought processes that go into developing ever more complex applications.

With the background of this Chapter, we are ready to begin looking at the specifics of the C language, so

E ho`omaka kakou.
(Let's start).

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Mon Aug 15 11:23:22 HST 1994