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ECE Seminars

Professional Ethics in Engineering

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Date:  Tue, March 22, 2011
Time:  10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location:  Holmes 389
Speaker:  Professor Michael C. Loui Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Abstract:  In this interactive seminar, we will discuss the general professional responsibilities of engineers.  Then we will identify specific professional obligations in three short cases that raise ethical issues in the normal practice of engineering.

This is part of the Distinguished Lecture Program of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology

Biography:   Michael C. Loui is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and University Distinguished Teacher-Scholar at the University of  Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His interests include computational complexity theory, professional ethics, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. He serves as Executive Editor of College Teaching, and as a member of the editorial board of Accountability in Research. He is a member of the Advisory Group for the Online Ethics Center at the National Academy of Engineering, and the Executive Board of the National Institute for Engineering Ethics. He is a Carnegie Scholar and an IEEE Fellow. Professor Loui was Associate Dean of the Graduate College at Illinois from 1996 to 2000. He directed the theory of computing program at the National Science Foundation from 1990 to 1991. He earned the Ph.D. at M.I.T. in 1980.

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