x96 Projects

Vertically Integrated Projects (ENGR x96 Projects)

EE 296

EE 396

EE 496

x96 Project Course Registration

If you plan to register for EE x96 (i.e., 296, 396 or 496) or ENGR x96 (296, 396)  then you will need to sign up with a faculty project advisor before registration.

  1. Find a faculty project advisor.  You can either email a faculty in the area of interest or look at the list of available projects. 
  2. Meet with and gain approval and course registration number (CRN) from the faculty member that would sponsor and advise you for the project
  3. Sign the Assumption of Risk and Release form for the desired x96 course

Funding Purchases for Parts/Supplies

For students doing EE x96 projects, the College of Engineering will purchase appropriate parts/supplies.

This process will use a web site in laulima.hawaii.edu. The web site has the instructions and forms. To be included in this web site, email our Student Services Specialist at eeoffice@hawaii.edu. The subject heading should be "Request to access EE x96 Project Purchase". You will receive a reply by email with instructions on how to proceed.

Note that the purchases have limitations including budget availability. However, from past experience, generally, reasonable requests are not denied though they may need modification to adhere to limitations.

College of Engineering undergraduate research support (including Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) and Student Project Grant Program)

Manoa Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (project funding and opportunities)