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Recent Advances in Nano-scale Communication Networks

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Date:  Thu, September 11, 2014
Time:  6:30PM to 7:30PM
Location:  Shidler College of Business: BusAd room A101
Speaker:  Mahbub Hassan, Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

University of Hawaii IEEE Student Branch and IEEE Hawaii Section Sponsors Distinguish Lecture Seminar:

Rapid advancements in nanotechnology are making nano-scale computing and sensing devices within reach. This development is motivating research into the establishment of wireless communication between these tiny devices. While nano-scale communication networks have a huge potential for innovative applications in health, chemical, biomedical and many other sectors, we are facing major challenges for reliable data transmission at this scale. Research in nano communication network is at an embryonic stage, but is rapidly gaining momentum. In the first part of this talk, I will summarize the recent advances in this emerging field of research. In the second, I will discuss the nano communication research currently pursued in our group. Specifically, I will present a new application for nano communications for industrial chemistry, highlighting some of the unique challenges and our approaches to address them.

Mahbub Hassan is a Full Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE (COMSOC) for 2013 and 2014. He was a Keynote speaker for 2011 ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing and 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Vehicular Networking. He worked as Visiting Professor at Osaka University, Japan, University of Nantes, France and National ICT Australia. He was a tutorial speaker at IEEE ICC 2012 and IEEE VTC 2011. He is currently an Editor of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial and has previously served as Guest Editor for IEEE Network and Associate Technical Editor for IEEE Communication Magazine. He has co-authored three books onĀ  Communication Networks, over 100 refereed articles and a US patent. Professor Hassan has earned a PhD from Monash University, Australia and an MSc fromUniversity of Victoria, Canada both in Computer Science and Engineering. More information about Professor Hassan is available from

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