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HCEI 2.0: Breaking the Energy Paradigm

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Date:  Thu, October 23, 2014
Time:  4:30 – 5:30 pm
Location:  Holmes Hall 244
Speaker:  Veronica Rocha, Hawaii State Energy Office, DBEDT


In this seminar, Veronica will provide a historical perspective on Hawaii’s energy market state of affairs and related policies that gave rise to the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) and its subsequent phase as HCEI 2.0. She will then discus how recent energy market changes coupled with civic, regulatory and policy actions are challenging and transforming Hawaii’s energy paradigm. Some of the questions we will explore in this seminar include: Can Liquefied Natural Gas serve as “bridge” to greater renewable energy and cleaner transportation in Hawaii? Should the Hawaiian Electric Companies remain vertically integrated or transition to transmission and distribution level services in an efficient modern grid network? Can Hawaii serve as an innovation test bed for clean energy?

Bio: Veronica Rocha leads the Renewable Energy Branch (REB) for the Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO), responsible for Hawaii’s achievement of 40% renewable energy by 2030. Under her leadership, REB has guided the HSEO on key renewable energy strategies, policies and programs. Prior to working at the HSEO, Veronica was Latin America Regional Sales Manager for Sopogy, a Hawaii-based Micro-Concentrating Solar Power technology company. Her work in international sales was a great complement to her previous work in engineering and management for both start-up and fortune 500 technology companies. Veronica graduated with a MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and holds a BS from Stanford University in Mechanical Engineering.
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