Fire and Ice: the development of novel instrumentation in Paradise for exploration of our universe at the discovery frontier
Date: Thu, February 28, 2008
Time: 13:30 - 14:30
Location: Holmes 389
Speaker: Dr. Gary S. Varner
Exploration of our universe at the extreme energy frontier requires new
tools that only the electrical engineering discipline can supply. New
initiatives in particle and astroparticle physics require dense arrays of
high speed and low noise precision sampling devices. Space, power, cost
and performance reasons drive the development of such custom semiconductor
devices -- often denoted Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs).
Developed at the University of Hawaii, many electrical engineering
students have contributed to the successful deployment of such devices to
the edges of space, kilometers deep into the Antarctic Ice at the South
Pole, and directly in harms-way at the most intense high-energy collisions
since the Big Bang.
I will outline these interesting and difficult problems, the solutions
found or being explored, and mention future opportunities and challenges.
Speaker Bio: