Ultra low power SoC for Media Processing
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Date: Thu, August 01, 2013
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Holmes 389
Speaker: Satoshi Goto, Professor of Waseda University, Japan
The purpose of this research is to reduce the electric power consumption by 1/100 of the current product’s one in the area of multimedia information processing such as video, image, audio and text. New innovative technologies will be developed to achieve this goal. (1) Optimum algorithm to assign Error Correcting Code and/or Encryption Code to the media content by taking account of the importance of the information itself, (2) Low power circuit and chip design for video compression, error correction and encryption functions by introducing a new algorithm and architecture. (3) Low Power parallel video encoding system by using multi-core platform with DVFS.
Bio: Satoshi Goto received the B.E. and the M.E. Degrees in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Waseda University in 1968 and 1970 respectively. He also received the Dr. of Engineering from the same University in 1978. He joined NEC Laboratories in 1970 where he worked for LSI design, Multimedia system and Software as GM and Vice President.. Since 2002, he has been Professor, at Graduate school of Information, Production and Systems of Waseda University at Kitakyushu. He has received a number of awards and honors, including Distinguish Achievement Awards from IEICE, the best paper award from ICCC and Jubliee Medal from IEEE. Dr. Goto’s current research interest is system LSI design methodology and new design tools for multimedia processing, networking functions with security or cryptography for the Next Generation Internet or Super Internet. H has published 7 books, 150 journal papers, 200 international conference papers with reviews. He served as GC of ICCAD, ASPDAC, VLSI-SOC, ASICON and ISOCC and was a board member of IEEE CAS society. He is IEEE Life Fellow and IEICE Fellow. He is Visiting Scholar at University of California, Berkeley and Visiting Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tang University and Tsinghua University of China and Member of Science Council of Japan.
Date: Thu, August 01, 2013
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Holmes 389
Speaker: Satoshi Goto, Professor of Waseda University, Japan
The purpose of this research is to reduce the electric power consumption by 1/100 of the current product’s one in the area of multimedia information processing such as video, image, audio and text. New innovative technologies will be developed to achieve this goal. (1) Optimum algorithm to assign Error Correcting Code and/or Encryption Code to the media content by taking account of the importance of the information itself, (2) Low power circuit and chip design for video compression, error correction and encryption functions by introducing a new algorithm and architecture. (3) Low Power parallel video encoding system by using multi-core platform with DVFS.
Bio: Satoshi Goto received the B.E. and the M.E. Degrees in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Waseda University in 1968 and 1970 respectively. He also received the Dr. of Engineering from the same University in 1978. He joined NEC Laboratories in 1970 where he worked for LSI design, Multimedia system and Software as GM and Vice President.. Since 2002, he has been Professor, at Graduate school of Information, Production and Systems of Waseda University at Kitakyushu. He has received a number of awards and honors, including Distinguish Achievement Awards from IEICE, the best paper award from ICCC and Jubliee Medal from IEEE. Dr. Goto’s current research interest is system LSI design methodology and new design tools for multimedia processing, networking functions with security or cryptography for the Next Generation Internet or Super Internet. H has published 7 books, 150 journal papers, 200 international conference papers with reviews. He served as GC of ICCAD, ASPDAC, VLSI-SOC, ASICON and ISOCC and was a board member of IEEE CAS society. He is IEEE Life Fellow and IEICE Fellow. He is Visiting Scholar at University of California, Berkeley and Visiting Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tang University and Tsinghua University of China and Member of Science Council of Japan.