Implantable Medical Device Security
Date: Fri, April 27, 2018
Time: 11:00am
Location: Holmes 389
Speaker: Joshua Chen, EE MS Candidate
Medical device security is rapidly becoming a glaring issue present within our healthcare system. Medical devices have many unique issues that make implementing security challenging. In this work, we discuss implantable medical device (IMD) security and categorize threats, trends, as well as make recommendations for future research. This talk will cover the most common types of software and hardware vulnerabilities in medical devices that have been discovered by fellow researchers and equally as important, the role of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the governing body responsible for regulation of medical devices, and the steps that are being taken towards the standardization and regulation of medical device security will be examined. Almost all medical device vulnerabilities are exploited through the telemetry module and that 99% of reported medical device vulnerabilities are software based. Current proposed solutions to security issues in medical devices will be analyzed.