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NSF Center for Science of Information Big Data workshop, Mar 18-20

The NSF Center for Science of Information "Big Data" workshop will be held from March 18-20, 2013, at the Sheraton Waikiki (Honolulu room).

The Center for Science of Information ( was established in 2010 as one of the NSF Science and Technology Centers. The goal of the Center is to "advance science and technology through a new quantitative understanding of the representation, communication, and processing of information in biological, physical, social, and engineering systems." The Center is led out of Purdue, with nine partner institutions. The Center has three major research thrusts -- life sciences, communications, and knowledge extraction (this includes "big data" as it is now referred to).

Every day has a tutorial from 9am to noon, followed by a series of talks that are of interest in the big data area. We have a mix of topics, from life sciences to machine learning to problems in industry. The tutorials are:

Monday 3/18: Michael Mahoney, Stanford
  • Algorithmic and Statistical Perspectives on BIG Data… and Information Theory?

Tue 3/19: Deepak Agarwal, LinkedIn

  • Large Scale Machine Learning for Content Recommendation and Computational Advertising

Wed 3/20: Yuliy Baryshnikov, UIUC

  • Topological Data Analysis and Stochastic Topology

Please contact Narayana Santhanam  (EE Dept) for more information.

The agenda for the workshop and list of talks are available here or at

Session recordings are available on NSanthan's  YouTube page under heading for "NSF CSoI workshop."

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