Key Points from the University Policy

Excerpts of key points taken from University Policy for Computer Use

  1. Users must adamantly protect their personal passwords.
  2. Users must respect the privacy of others’ passwords, information and communication, and may not attempt to use University resources to gain unauthorized access to any site or network or to maliciously compromise the performance of internal or external systems or networks.
    Users may not store or execute programs or engage in or abet any activities designed to test or compromise system or network performance without the prior written authorization of the responsible system administrator(s).
  3. No individual may falsely represent themselves or "spoof" another physical network connection.
  4. Users must observe all laws relating to copyright, trademark, export and intellectual property rights.
  5. Users must ensure that their electronic communications do not infringe the rights of others and are conducted in accord with the same standards of behavior that apply in other forms of communication.
  6. University resources are intended to be used for institutional purposes and may not be used for private gain.
    The University provides information technology resources at great expense for the purpose of supporting its mission (learning, teaching, research, and public service).
    It is expected that usage will be primarily educational in nature in support of this mission.
  7. Users may not engage in activities which compromise institutional systems or network performance for others.
    Users may not engage in the transmission of unsolicited bulk email ("spamming"), regardless of how important it may seem to the sender.
    Under no circumstances may users create, transmit or forward electronic chain letters.

For full details, explanation, and rationale behind these policies, please see the full text of the University Policy for Computer Use