... About Advising

Do I have to go to advising?
Yes, advising is mandatory. Any student who does not have an advisor-approved advising form and checksheet prior to registration will have a HOLD placed on his/her registration. The hold may be removed only after an advisor has informed the EE Office that advising has been completed.
When is advising?
It is typically a period of 2-5 weeks ending the week before registration begins.  For example, since registration for continuing students for spring usually starts in the middle of November, advising for spring may run from late October to early November.  Advising for fall will run roughly from late March to early April to be prepared for registration starting in mid April.  Check Manoa registration information for upcoming registration dates.  Your advisor is responsible for many students and may not be available during the whole advising period, so don't wait until the last minute to schedule your appointment.
How do I find out who my advisor is?
Log in to the College of Engineering online advising site

What do I need to go to advising?
Please log in to the College of Engineering Advising Website to find your advisor's contact information, your curriculum checksheet, and your advising form. You should sign up for an appointment with your advisor at least a day in advance. Prior to your appointment, you should review your checksheet for any discrepancies and fill out your advising form.

What if I want to change my major track or advisor?
See the CoE Undergraduate Advisor.

... About Your Curriculum Requirements

How do I know what curriculum I am on and what my requirements are to graduate?
Your check sheet shows which curriculum you are on and what your requirements are for graduation. Your major requirements are determined by what curriculum you are on. These include what EE, Math and Science courses you are required to take are usually determined by when you entered the EE program. Your University requirements are based on when you entered the UH system. These include your WI, Language, and UH core electives you are required to take. Your check sheet will be updated to indicate differences in your University requirement, if needed.

What do I do if there are errors on my check sheet?
You and your advisor should review your check sheet during advising for errors and omissions. If there are discrepancies, they should be noted on the online system. These will be investigated by the Dean's Office Academic advisors. You will be informed of the corrective action taken via email.

Who can I see to make sure that I am taking the proper courses in order to graduate in the coming semester?
Your advisor, the Undergraduate Advisor, and/or the Department Chairman (in that order). In addition, if you indicate that you plan to graduate this semester on your advising form, your check sheet will be reviewed to make sure you meet all requirements and you will be informed of any problems via email prior the the start of the semester.

Who can I see to take courses without meeting certain prerequisites?
The course instructor, the Undergraduate Advisor, and/or the Department Chairman (in that order).

... About Curriculum Requirements in General

Is a grade of "C" or better required in all EE courses for graduation?
No. You must pass all of your courses and both your overall GPA and your major GPA (all upper division EE, Physics, and Math courses) must be 2.0 or better. However, you must have a "C" or better in all prerequisites to take any EE course.

Do I need a "C" or better in EE 213 to take any upper division EE courses?
No, this is no longer required. However, again, you must have a "C" or better in all prerequisites for any EE course, and EE 213 is a prerequisite for many (but not all) upper division courses.

Must I take the lab course at the same time as the lecture course?
Not necessarily; however it is STRONGLY recommended. The lab sections usually cover material that amplifies or clarifies concepts covered in the lectures. Some courses have the lab built into the course (e.g. 211, 213, 260 and 415) in which case you must take the lab at the same time as the lecture.

Do I need to take the lab for a course I am using for my Technical Elective?
No, it is not required. However, it is recommended because lab sections usually cover material that amplifies or clarifies concepts covered in the lectures. In addition, the Design Credits associated with the lab can contribute to your overall Design Credit requirement.

What is this Design Credit requirement and how do I meet it?
You are required by ABET to have 16 credits of Engineering Design including a design project to graduate. All EE courses are rated for the number of design credits they carry and a supplemental sheet is available. You and your advisor should verify your number of design credits well in advance of the semester you anticipate graduating.

How do I meet the Design Project requirement?
You must take EE 496, the Projects course, under the direction of a Faculty member in your major track to meet this requirement. The nature of the project you do for this course is up to you and the faculty member you work under, so it is advised that you contact the faculty member in the semester prior to when you plan to register for EE 496.

Can I take a 600-level course to satisfy a major track elective requirement?
Yes. However, this must be approved by your advisor and you must identify the course on your Program of Courses form during advising. But, a 600-level course does not carry any design credits and you must still meet the 16 design credit requirement.

.... Other Questions

Who can I see if I have other questions about the curriculum, or my requirements?
You can see your advisor (even outside of the advising period) or you can see the CoE Undergraduate Advisor anytime.